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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I apply for financial assistance?

A: Please email with a figure that works for your family's finances. Once approved, we will send you a coupon code to get signed up.


Q: Do we have to be working to utilize before and aftercare?

A: Absolutely not! Anyone can use the free before and aftercare, as long as we are notified ahead of time. The service is not intended solely for families at work, but was created out of consideration for families that need to leave before 9am, or who return after 3pm.


Q: How do you find your guest teachers?

A: Most of our guest teachers are talented teachers at schools on Maui and have spent years honing their craft as well as working with children and teens. We also welcome other skilled artists, business owners, and speakers who live on Maui or the surrounding islands. If you would like to be a guest teacher at Camp Ho'ohana, please email with an overview of what you would like to teach or speak about.​

Q: Are you a religious camp?

A: We do not promote nor are we against any religion, race, ethnicity, sex, political background, or belief systems. We do not discriminate against any groups of people. We enjoy seeing families come together with a common goal of appreciating the outdoors, learning new skills, and making new friends across the Maui community.

Q: Do you hunt and fish during the camp?

A: Although we build outdoor tools that may be used for hunting and fishing, we do not participate in any active hunting with the campers. This would be a safety violation. When we build fishing equipment, students may use their poles or gear to try and catch fish at the tide pools.

Don't see your question? Email

Join us for a camp to remember!

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